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VirtuaPin™ Widebody Virtual Pinball Machine - 1080p


This is a very belated review as I purchased my cabinet back in May of 2015.......I jumped into this VP arena head first with zero knowledge of what I was getting into. Almost three years later I’ve got this machine loaded for bear.....over 1000 tables, not all unique but many different versions of the same table. I’m so glad that I added the 1TB harddrive option to my package as now with the advent of PinUp Player and running video on the backglass the extra storage space is most welcome.
I also purchased my cabinet with the Fidelity Flipper sound package and haven’t been disappointed with the way the tables sound and feel. You can feel every bump and thump the ball makes as it comes off the jet or pop numbers. I also bought the real DMD option and am very glad that I did.....the brightness of a real DMD display is really impressive compared to the way a monitor used as a DMD looks. I’ll be upgrading to VirtuaPins pin3DMD shortly. I’m really attracted to bright shiny colorful things.....kinda like a moth to a flame.
I’ll have to say too that there was no skimping of high end hardware in this baby......it has been able to handle any of the resource intensive tables that I’ve thrown at it, gameplay is smooth as silk, never any ball stutter......and that’s huge in the Visual Pinball world. The monitor is very impressive looking as well....razor sharp, the smallest details can be seen plainly and with zero blur. You’ll want that so the fine print can be easily read on playfield targets and such.
I spend almost as much time installing tables and tweaking things here and there as I do playing......that’s actually a lot of fun for me too. Don’t be afraid to take the plunge......help is all over the place in the VP forums....if I did it you can too.
The build quality of the cabinet is just as you’ve read in other reviews here.....top notch.
I just couldn’t be happier with my purchase made in May 2015.....I fire this thing up everyday and love every minute of it. I wasn’t sure how much I’d be into it as I do have several real pin tables and thought that nothing could replace them.....in actuality I like this better. Zero maintenance as compared to real machines and now I can play hundreds of tables that I would never get the opportunity to otherwise play. This is one rocking machine!! So glad I bought from here rather than a competitor like a friend did and has spent a couple thousand dollars since upgrading his cabinet to get what I got right out of the chute.
Be careful.....this hobby can take over your life.....and that’s a good thing!
Date Added: 04/16/2018 by John G.
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