I was born in 1970's , and spent most of my school time in arcade rooms.
Then came video games and i became game designer.
i nostalgicly played hundred of hours of "The Pinball Arcade" on my ipad,
i was amased.
Then, one day, i went to a place in my town where there still have a real machine.
it was a blast. i was like "oh my god, i forgot how it has nothing to do with a digital game,
things are much bigger and i have to deal with the physical aspect."
i don't even recognize the Table and i'm so impressed that my score is terribly low compared to my "digital" score. i though "com'on small dick, stop gophing, this is the real thing !"
Then someone told me about VirtuaPin, and when i went to the webpage, i had 2 feelings,
the first "what a children Christmas dream that could be to possess one of these things"
the second "but it must have nothing to do with the real thing"
but i'm so passionated by games that i ordered one. the little one, the mini cab
After having ordered it, the wait was long. but now i understand why ;
Every single part is of high quality , the wood is beautiful and solid , once you launch
your first table, it takes around 10 seconds for you to forget this is not a real table.
The sound is marvelous, the mechanical sounds, with the bass making the cab to vibrate...
you feel vibrations ! like the real one , this machine seems to be alive.
I had the same feelings as the one i had when i went to my town's place (what i described above)
It's a must
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